Abhishek Gediya

  1. October 12, 2019

    The Alternative Drugs Which Successfully Treat Impotence

    Erectile Dysfunction has become a pandemic disorder as it has successfully hit more than 60% of men.

    Reports suggest that there are 6% of new cases every year, and the figures continue to stream up with the current lifestyle, diet, and sleep cycle.

    With the conditions worsening every year, science is jumping leaps and bounds to take acute measures against the rising cases of impotence.

    And it has devised some of the brilliant methods to treat the said disorder in men— the disorder which brings stress, humiliation, and devastated relationships.

    As there is number of treating options than ever, the doctors conduct the clinical evaluation before referring any prescription to you.

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  2. October 12, 2019

    Surprising Habits Which Cause Erectile Dysfunctionality (Part 2)

    Earlier in the first part, we discussed how our daily routine could lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

    Let’s check what they were

    • Eating and drinking habits from the canned packaging
    • Addiction to cosmetics like hair spray
    • Excessive cycling on small seats

    In the given segment, we shall unravel a few more habits which make surprising space for sexual problems like low sex drives, depreciating testosterone level and Erectile dysfunction.

    So, let’s find out how lifestyle contributes to these disorders and what should you do to bring these issues to their knees.


    Well, that’s hard to believe considering the significant percentage of men snore.

    A survey revealed that almost 40% of men snore and k

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  3. October 12, 2019

    Supplements For Charging The Drained Sex Life

    If you prefer sleeping like a log over drilling your partner despite intense, intimate seduction, the battery of your sex life has slowly progressed to drainage.

    With such a dull sex life, you’d scroll hundreds of porn webpages to buy sex-intensifying products, take advice from your sexually active friends, confer with doctors to bring back the lost sexual charm, put your trust on unreliable supplements and whatnot?

    While I understand your impatience that you can’t bear your relationship getting drained into the gutter, I also urge you to try every permutation before sticking to something like— supplements.

    Yes, adding supplements to your daily diet may charge you sexually but make sure that you be friends with them only after you have reached for other methods like exercises, proper medication, etc.

    Having said that, let’s take a closer look at the

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  4. October 12, 2019

    Staple Items For Discouraging Erectile Dysfunction

    I know a lot of families who rely on staple food items and don’t experiment or alter their diet for the sake of discouraging erectile dysfunction.

    For example, a lot of families prefer sweet potatoes over green-leafy vegetables despite leafy vegetables bearing more benefits.

    If you are one of those families who is reluctant in modifying the diet, don’t worry, your staple items may give you the required nutrition to fight off impotence.

    Let’s go through some of the staple items which see you through erectile dysfunction without having to scratch off your head in adjusting your diet.

    If you have these staple items in your diet-style, you are doing your indirect bit in converting your dull sex life into a brighter one.

    Sweet potatoes

    Sweet potatoes, as sw

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  5. October 12, 2019

    The Spots You Probably Forget To Rub The Sunscreen

    Yay! Summers are finally here, and you probably don’t want to miss your swimming, go-karting, and tennis classes.

    We all start summers on a positive note until the beaming arrows from the sun find their ways into our skins were they shouldn’t.That’s right.

    Sunburns aren’t painful, but they hit the heart because we start pondering about a lot of “what ifs.”

    “What if had I applied the sunscreen with more care, what if had I not been in too hurry?” and many more.

    Anyway, there’s no point in disappointing ourselves; instead, we shall make sure that we smear the sunscreen in the places we have forgotten throughout our lives.

    So, let’s just spot these spots and vow to prevent them from the attack of the sun radiations.

    Top of the feet.

    How terrible it looks when we get home, fish out our footwear, and find the sunburn marks?It’s prolly because we don’t reach to our feet.

    It takes severe bending to reach to the

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  6. October 12, 2019

    The Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

    Birth control pill (also known as an unwanted pill) is a hormone-based contraceptive method which effectively avoids pregnancy.

    Its perfect use and the combination is 99% effective whereas the effectivity decreases to 90% if misused.

    The other advantages include regulating irregular menstruation, controlling pre-menstruation syndrome, and painful cramps.

    Despite such multitudinous benefits, use of unwanted pills as contraceptive may affect the sexual life and can pose unexpected side effects.

    Let’s surface some of the side effects.

    Side effects

    Vaginal Bleeding

    Many reasons attribute to vaginal bleeding, but one of the prime reasons is a hormonal imbalance.

    Birth control pills have synthetic estrogen and progesterone.

    They control the menstruation cycle.

    The imbalance between the two results i

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  7. October 12, 2019

    Surprising Habits Which Cause Erectile Dysfunctionality (Part 1)

    We are aware of the fact that psychological and hormonal imbalance results in Erectile Dysfunction (the inability to get a firm erection).

    However, when we look at it closely, there are so many factors which contribute to the growth of ED, and the worst part is— they could be anything between our daily habits to gestures, diet to usual activities, etc.

    Technically, we all are a contributing cause for our EDs, and we don’t even know about it.

    It’s high time when we take a more in-depth look at our activities and their connection with ED.

    So, let’s quickly hop to the section which discusses how some of our habits could unexpectedly and surprisingly make way for Erectile Dysfunc

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  8. October 12, 2019

    Sexual Hygiene Tips For Enhancing Sexual Performance

    It’s ironic how dirty sex demands sexual hygiene.

    Your sexual hygiene plays a significant role in deciding how good and safe is your sex.

    Roll your eyes through some of the hygiene bullets which might help you to enjoy great sex.

    Wash and dry your penis carefully.

    The skin on genital and its region are as same as the skin on our body.

    They call for cleanliness.

    It’s good to wash and let off the dirt from the skin of the penis and region around it.

    Wash followed by a dry rub at least once a day would lessen the chances of the itchy penis.

    Moreover, cleaning it before sexual intercourse would lead to healthy sex.

    It’s not a perfect way to prevent the sexually transmitted infections; however, it contributes a tin

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  9. October 12, 2019

    Reasons Which Lead To Premature Ejaculation

    My inner friend circle usually discusses on how early ejaculation abandons their spouses unsatisfied; how they feel disappointed on hearing the ungratified screeching scream of their wives; how their partners fume in anger when each one of them loses sexual charm immediately after quick ejaculation leaving their wives midst of unattained sexual orgasm.

    Studies have shown that men suffering premature ejaculation— an act of early semen emission with minimal stimulation— produce an orgasmic blow in less than 2 minutes which is thirteen minutes earlier to women.

    Now, that’s devastating considering women take time to reach the climax of the sexual session.

    So, who has the problem? My friends or their wives?

    Well, I’d point the problems at my friends because what good sex is when it can’t even last longer than 2 minutes?

    A lot of people say that premature ejaculati

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  10. October 12, 2019

    Radish Green Offers A Green Signal To Massive Erection

    The shape of Radish green often draws a similarity with the shaft you have under your pants— probably this is why it’s used as a fantasizing toy by kinky women.

    But does its shape has anything to do with your penis?

    How about radish green giving your penis a new kind of power to discourage erectile dysfunction for living the sexual expectations of your partner?

    Well, there’s no perfect evidence which associates radish with your penile function; however, with whatever clinical anecdotes we have, we can surely try to link them.

    So, let’s take a quick look at how radish green may improve sexual functions in the body.

    It’s an antibacterial warrior.

    Radish greens are those antibacterial warriors who defend the body from microbes and bacteria— all salute to its active compound— raphanin.

    One of the close examinations prove that radish has antibacte

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