Erectile Dysfunction has troubled a decent number of men in my close circle.

While we discuss the repercussions of the disease, a few of them story out their experiences about Generic Viagra and its impact on the situation.

Some of them try to influence me to take medicine for reversing my ED issue, while others state their side-consequences.

I don’t allow their opinion to mold mine as I turn to my doctor for the further knowledge of the subject, and the same is expected from you.

Generic Viagra has Sildenafil as its major medical component, and all the drug manufacturers and doctors clearly warn about the contraindications of Sildenafil.

What is contraindication?

A contraindication is a type of condition when a particular drug shouldn’t be taken as it may pose a danger to your body.

As all the drugs are chemically synthesized, they may cross-react with each other and produce an unwanted effect.

It is the reason why you should always confer with a doctor before opting for any medicine. Also, ensure that you give a complete insight into your medical history.

Avoid Generic Viagra

When you intake Nitrates

In certain heart conditions, we might suffer heart and chest pain.

Nitrate medications are popular for combating heart pain which is usually caused by the arteries in the heart.

Nitrates and Sildenafil are functionally same— they both act as dilators.

Nitrate medicines: Nitroglycerin sublingual tablet (Nitrostat), Nitroglycerin lingual aerosol (Nitromist), Nitroglycerin lingual (Nitrolingual Pumpspray), etc.

Threat: Sildenafil alone has normal vasodilation effect; however, the simultaneous use of Sildenafil and Nitrate decreases the circulatory blood pressure opening the dangers of heart ailments [1].

When you intake Alpha-blockers

Alpha-blockers are the pharmacological agents which are given in the acute conditions like Hypertension, Hyperplasia, and Raynaud’s disease.

Alpha-blockers and Sildenafil are functionally congruent— they relax the smooth muscles or the blood vessels and increase the blood influx.

Alpha-blockers medicines: Prazosin hydrochloride (Minipress), Czopress,  Terazosin hydrochloride (Hytrin), Prazopress, Doxazosin mesylate (Cardura), etc.

Threat: Generic Viagra modestly decreases the blood pressure. Co-admitting Alpha-blockers with Sildenafil potentiates the symptomatic hypotension in some respondents. Hence, it’s strictly warned to take both the medicines with caution [2].

When you intake Riociguat

Patients suffering from Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension often take Riociguat for improvement of the blood flow.

Our bodies have cGMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate)— a substance which relaxes and widens the blood vessels.

Guanylate cyclase enzyme manufactures it. When Riociguat is administered in the body, these enzymes actively work and enhance the cGMP production which leads to improved blood pressure and flow.

Again, Riociguat and Sildenafil operate similarly— by widening the blood vessels.

Riociguat medicines: Adempas

Threat: PDE5 drugs such as Sildenafil has a tolerable effect on the body until it is co-administered with Riociguat. Some studies have linked significant hypotensive conditions when PDE5 drugs like Sildenafil interacts with Adempas [3].

When you intake Protease Inhibitors (PI)

They are antiviral drugs for treating Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS.

They prevent viral replication by blocking protein precursors which are responsible for viral multiplication.

Protease Inhibitors medicines: indinavir, atazanavir, amprenavir, darunavir, fosamprenavir, asunaprevir, boceprevir, grazoprevir, etc.

Threat: Generally, Sildenafil has a moderate impact on a healthy body without any other medication. However, simultaneous administration with Protease Inhibitor destroys the CYP24A liver enzyme. The extermination of enzymes retards the breakdown of Sildenafil inviting the need of lower dose than expected [4].


The cross-reactivity between the two chemicals may cause milder to stronger side-effects.

If you fail to see the doctor, make friends with the internet. Take the pledge to skim all the medical content and search about the drug interaction.

Or, you can place your trust in MedyPharma— your own medicine distributing channel. Land on our page for gathering detailed insight on any medical query.

Also, read the second part of the Sildenafil contraindication.

So, are you taking Generic Viagra safely? Let’s us know how your system interacted with Sildenafil.