A lot of couples debate over contraceptives where men prefer their women to take birth control pills whereas women want their men to use condoms.

Both the sides have their agendas.

Men present their case by calling condom-less sex the real sex of joy (with the actual skin creating the friction in the vagina); women despise birth pill as it leads to the several side-effects including the hormonal imbalance in the body.

While both cases make sense, the onus is on us to discover what’s safer.

With 99% of success rate, birth control pills are one of the best tools to prevent pregnancy; however, does its success rate stand worthy against the side-adversaries it poses?

Let your conviction decide it while I present you some of the jeopardies which morning pills bring.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding

It’s the condition in which women face abnormal bleeding between the menstrual cycle.

There are multifactorial reasons which lead to the vaginal bleeding between the two-period cycles.

The change in the overall size of uterus or cervix is one of the primary reasons for draining blood.

Having administered birth control pill, the mucus at the entrance of the womb thickens which lead to heavy bleeding.

It’s slightly more common in new consumers who often resolves after 3 to 4 months automatically.


Again, it’s one of the common problems when you introduce any high dosage pill (regardless of their function).

The women who have lately introduced birth pills in their schedule are more likely to feel nauseated.

It mostly resolves on its own; however, if you don’t feel relieved, rush to your medical advisor.

You can also dampen the impact of nausea by ingesting the pill during bedtime or with the meal.

Sensitive breasts

As birth control pills have a lot of estrogens, they may enlarge the breasts.

Estrogen is a sex hormone which enhances the development of secondary reproductive organs.

In addition to that, breasts become sensitive to pain due to their tenderness.

You can opt to balance your estrogen level by adding organic diet and leafy vegetables in your lifestyle.

Take advantage of inner bras and tubes to keep the breasts intact.


Birth control pills are known to fluctuate the hormone level significantly in the body.

With the constant hormonal flickering, the menstruation cycle may trigger a severe headache.

With different pills of different dose volume, the intensity of the headache may differ from person to person.

Some may also develop painful migraine.


Although there’s a lot to research about the association between weight and birth control pills, one possible explanation justifies the widened hips and engorged breasts, i.e., the presence of estrogen in the tablets.

Although estrogen facilitates the sexual features in the women, unbridled dominance leads to fat gain, bloating, fluid retention, and several other issues.

The toxic fat and fluid render the change in the form of the body.

Altering mood

Again, there’s no anecdotal study which substantiates the link between the birth pill and mood; however, many women tend to behave differently after the tablets have reached the bloodstream.

What’s more intriguing is that their conditions improve when they switch to any other mode of precaution.

The women already suffering from depression and chronic stress may have a long-lasting negative impact on the mood.

Hence, before affixing to the pills, one must confer with the doctors and learn everything about the precautionary measures.

Vaginal release

Some women undergo involuntary white vaginal discharge which is painless.

The white vaginal discharge is usually natural-vaginal lubrication which protects the genitalia from the friction of penetration; however, with the higher level of estrogen, the continuous secretion of the lipid might affect the quality of lubrication during sex.

It’s not easy being a woman. Our hatred for condoms is legit, but when it comes to protecting our women against the corollary effect of the pill, we shall always surrender to humanity.