How To Avoid Pregnancy

Your sex drive sometimes pushes you beyond the line which you never wanted to— the path of becoming a father or mother.

There’s always something positive and negative for an event.

Looking at the negative purview,  unprotected sex makes your partner pregnant, unwillingly.

Looking at the positive purview, uncontrolled and unprotected sex is a symbol of a healthy sexual relationship considering millions of people suffer from sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, sexual arousal disorder, etc.

It shows that your level of testosterone are marshaling forward like warriors, and you don’t want to control the sexual urge— not even for the contraceptives.

Well, who wants to? Take pride in your masculinity.

Keeping aside the perspectives, if you want to avoid pregnancy, start taking precautions— yes, even if you have to kill your sexual urge.

So, here’s what you can do to halt your pregnancy:

Male and female condoms: Condoms are the powerful barrier contraceptives which prevent the majority of the pregnancy.

They are the only contraceptives which prevent sexually transmitted viruses like HIV.

Diaphragm: Diaphragm is also a barrier contraceptive placed over the cervix.

Spermicide (sperm destroying substance) is applied on the diaphragm before its placement.

It is advised to remove after 5-6 hours of the intercourse.

Cervical caps: As the name suggests, it has a cap or bowl structure which when inserted in the vagina protects the sperm from entering the fallopian tube.

Using spermicide on the upper periphery of the barres the sperm from entering by killing it.

Contraceptive sponge: Akin to the cervical cap, the sponge is used to cover the cervix by inserting into the vagina.

The covered cervix prevents sperm from mating with the eggs.

Again, by applying spermicide to the sponge, we can enhance its effectivity.

Spermicide: Spermicide is a chemical which when applied to the vagina can prevent pregnancy.

The rate of pregnancy prevention is relatively low when inserted alone in the vagina; however, amalgamating it with other barrier methods like condoms, caps, and sponge make it a highly useful contraceptive.

It has high lubrication, but it doesn’t prevent the transfer of sexual infection.

Contraceptive pills: Also known as the morning-after pills have terrific effectivity.

If you follow the prescription, its efficiency jumps up to 99% and in the worse case, it dips to 95%.

The pill generally modifies the menstruation cycle by negating the ovulation and preventing pregnancy.

Contraceptive pills live in the infamy of serious side-adversaries like cancer, depression, hypertension, etc.

Contraceptive Patches: Patches, when used correctly, releases synthetic estrogen and progesterone.

It is applied to the skin area like upper outer arm, abdomen, buttock, back, and thighs.

It’s a tedious work of weekly application which lasts up to 3 weeks.

It has similar effectivity to pills; however, its side effect results in breast pain, engorgement, nausea, etc.

Combined injectable birth control: It’s another hormonal birth control method which constitutes monthly injection from the doctors.

The chemical in injection releases estrogen and progesterone putting the pregnancy at the backseat.

Women can take these injections every 30 days for preventing the zygote formation.

It is as efficient as pills or patches.

Sterilization: It’s the permanent solution for avoiding pregnancy.

Both men and women can undergo sterilization.

For men, it is vasectomy where a part of sperm carrying tube is cut and tied through a narrow incision.

For women, it is tubectomy where a part of the fallopian tube (the tube which carries men’s sperm) is cut and tied through a narrow incision.

Generally, couples sterilize at the age when they feel contented and don’t need babies in the future.

There are a few more methods to control the pregnancy, but I shall take your leave as the clipboard is short.

So, what’s your favorite method? Let’s know what effectively works for you.